
The aim is to raise awareness of the link between materials forming processes and elastoplastic properties of metallic materials. The first part of the course focuses on the main processes for metal forming: plastic metal stretching, foundry, etc. The second part of the course introduces the classical elastoplastic model. The objective is to understand the limits of the elastic model and the main issues to address in order to introduce plastic behaviour. The model is established following the interpretation of simple homogeneous mechanical tests (tension and tension-torsion) and a phenomenological approach. Practical works allow, among other things, an understanding of the influence of the metal forming process on the elastoplastic properties.


2 courses to present the basic concepts + 2 exercises to practice these notions on elastoplastic structures + 3 practical works: PW1 - Metal forming: sand casting, permanent mould, machining operation with cutting tool PW2 - Behaviour identification: identification of the elastoplastic properties of the materials formed during PW1 (tension and torsion mechanical tests); Study of the influence of forming process on these mechanical properties. PW3 - Structural design: finite element analyses of structures made of material identified during PW2.

Sustainable development

Sustainable Development Goals

Level 1: Activity contextualised through environmentally sustainable development and social responsibility and/or supported by examples, exercises, applications.

DD&RS level 1

Activity contextualised through environmentally sustainable development and social responsibility and/or supported by examples, exercises, applications.

Programme elements related to sustainable development goals

Optimum use of the materials used according to the stresses resulting from the production method or the use of the product. Choosing production techniques that minimise the volume of raw materials needed to obtain the products.



  • Christophe JANOLIN
  • Hélène MAGOARIEC
  • Olivier DESSOMBZ




Plastic metal forming, foundry, Yield stress, Elastic strains, Plastic strains, Isotropic hardening, Kinematic hardening, Yield criterion, Normality rule.