
This module is an option 3A course, a sub-component of the Transport and Traffic option.

[reminder of description 24_ING_S09_OPT_TT] The Transport and Traffic option is a generalist course open to transport issues. It is a multidisciplinary course focusing on vehicles and mobility. Its aim is to turn students into architects and managers of cross-disciplinary projects. This gives them access to a global culture of the sector, enabling them to integrate quickly into the sector's industrial structures. This training is less a specialisation than an opening up to all the specific features of transport. The coordination of the open sector modules with the activities of the specific modules makes it possible to offer a training pathway adapted to the initial professional objectives of each student, while maintaining a coherent progression.

[Specific features of the Vehicle Technology pathway] This pathway deals more specifically with the theme of the vehicle. Thematic organisation of the curriculum (non-exhaustive list):- Alternative, hybrid and electric vehicles- Powertrain technology- Technological innovations

Job opportunities Transport infrastructure, Transport logistics, R&D departments, Design in engineering offices Product industrialisation


TV3.1 - TE 3.1 Transport and society TV3.2 - TE 3.2 Transport Engineering TV3.3 Vehicle dynamics (below) TV3.4 Vehicle components and architecture TV3.5 - TE 3.5 Project
TV3.6 - TE 3.6 Site Visits

Sustainable development

Level 2: A substantial part of the activities is dedicated to environmentally sustainable development and social responsibility.

DD&RS level 2

A substantial part of the activities is dedicated to environmentally sustainable development and social responsibility.


  • Mohammed ICHCHOU

