
The objective of the course is to establish the relationships between surface functionality and surface morphology, in a biomimicry approach. In terms of surface functionality, the focus will be on the wettability and optical properties of natural textured surfaces. The course should develop knowledge in biomimicry and bio-inspiration of surfaces by offering a description of biological surfaces in terms of morphology and surface chemistry. The morphology and chemistry of plant and animal surfaces will be studied in detail. The morphology/chemistry/wettability relationships of these surfaces will be the focus of this training action. The physics of wetting and adhesion will be studied in detail. The different wettability models will be presented both from a classical point of view through contact area approaches and in a more original way through the triple line approach. The optical properties of textured biological surfaces will be studied through the notion of structural color.


Physics of wetting and adhesion I
Physics of wetting and adhesion II
Physics of wetting and adhesion III
Physics of wetting and adhesion - Applications
Structures and functions of plant surfaces for biomimetic innovations
Structures and functions of animal surfaces for biomimetic innovations
Wetting of bio-inspired surfaces
Bibliographic review: bio-inspired super-hydrophobic surfaces
Biomimicry and optical properties: structural coloring
Biomimicry and optical properties: structural coloring
Structural coloring - Applications
Friction of bio-inspired surfaces - (adhesion test, shark skin, anti-biofouling…)

Sustainable development

Level 2: A substantial part of the activities is dedicated to environmentally sustainable development and social responsibility.

DD&RS level 2

A substantial part of the activities is dedicated to environmentally sustainable development and social responsibility.



  • Stéphane VALETTE




biomimicry, bio-inspired surface, vegetal surface, animal surface, morphology, wetting, adhesion, structural color, adhesion, biodiversity, ecological transition