Information Science and Engineering


Communication and information processing systems have developed and become widespread in recent years, so that they now play a major role in the way our society functions and in our daily lives. What's more, these technological systems are becoming increasingly powerful and complex. To understand the scientific and technical challenges of an information society and its development, it is therefore necessary to have a body of knowledge in the field of electronics and signal processing, as well as a set of tools and scientific methods that will enable us to understand the challenges ahead. The aim of the UE STI is to provide engineering students with the theoretical and practical knowledge necessary for a comprehensive understanding of information processing techniques and their implementation. The target level is sufficient to implement basic information processing methods, interact with specialists in the field or follow a career linked to the disciplinary fields of Electronics and/or Signal Processing.


Electrical laws, operational amplifiers, binary coding, logic, functional analysis, complex numbers, elementary probability

Career opportunities

The level aimed for in this UE is sufficient to interact with specialists in the field of information sciences and techniques. It is necessary for a career in industry or academia in the fields of electronics and/or signal processing.


  • Julien HUILLERY
