The third year specialization « Applied mathematics and risk engineering » is devoted to mathematical modeling and numerical simulation of problems arising in engineering.Students study a wide range of stochastic and deterministic methods concerning ordinary and partial differential equa-tions, optimization problems, discrete and time-continuous stochastic processes, statistics., together with the associated numerical methods.Opportunity is given to the best students to complete their formation with a master degree in one of the three following fields : applied mathematics, fInance / insurance, biomathematics / biostatistics. Program MIR 3.4 - Project 2 modules to choose among : MIR 3.1 - Advanced Tools for Learning : when Convexity meets Sparsity MIR 3.2 - An introduction to financial mathematics MIR 3.3 - An introduction to Inverse Problems and imaging
MOD "Statistiques appliquées aux sciences de l’ingénieur" is madatory. At least one of MOD parmi MOD 9.1 Equations différentielles stochastiques et méthodes numériques probabilites, MOD 11.4 Modélisation et analyse des EDP et le MOD 9.6 "Méthodes numériques pour les EDP" is advised. 2 MOS among "Decision support algorithms", "Time series econometrics" and "Physical problems in unbounded media : mathematical analysis and numerics"
Job opportunities are given mostly by R&D in industrial firms, risk management in finance or insurance, data science, pharmaceutical industry, academic research