*************** closed course in 22-23 **********************
To make students aware of the interests of eco-design: why eco-design? how to eco-design? with what method? how to get all the collaborators and the parties involved to adhere?
Discover the tools of eco-design and life cycle analysis
Learn how to collect data and evaluate environmental impacts through the prism of packaging, an emblematic and paradoxical product of our consumer society.
Understand what a CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) approach is and the regulatory obligations of companies.
• The packaging market • Packaging materials • Introduction to Ecodesign • Introduction to LCA (Life Cycle Analysis) • Introduction to design thinking • Responsible marketing and communication • Visit to a recycling center and participation in the INFINEO student competition with other schools of complementary skills with presentation in front of a jury of professionals
A substantial part of the activities is dedicated to environmentally sustainable development and social responsibility.