
From the study of a general theme ("Individuals and Society"), this course aims to present the approaches of the Human and Social Sciences, as for their modes of investigation and their fundamental concepts. Beyond an introduction to human and social sciences, the goal is to provide students tools to analyse the human and social situations they face. Far from providing them with ready-made answers, the intention is to lead them to carry out a questioning that is well-constructed and well-argued serving their understanding of human and social issues. A secondary objective consists in enhancing the capabilities of the students to analyse a human and social sciences ‘text, and, more broadly, of topicality.


The lectures present methods and concepts from the social sciences that are useful for future engineers. The main themes covered are: the humanities and social sciences; the deconstruction of social representations; the construction of norms; socialisation and forms of deviance; the influence of groups on individuals and social change; the coexistence of an egalitarian society and social inequalities; hierarchies and social groups; gender, etc. TDs consist of analyses of texts to explore a theme in greater depth and prepare for the exam.

Sustainable development

Level 2: A substantial part of the activities is dedicated to environmentally sustainable development and social responsibility.

DD&RS level 2

A substantial part of the activities is dedicated to environmentally sustainable development and social responsibility.

Programme elements related to sustainable development goals

By introducing students to the social sciences, this course encourages them to reflect on the foundations of our Western societies, which are in tension between the assertion of equality between individuals and the existence of social inequalities. It analyses how our individual identities are constructed. The theme of gender is addressed in depth. Examples focus on ecological issues. For example, one of the TDs analyses committed consumption and the recurring incentives offered by public authorities to encourage individuals to take action to protect the climate.



  • Nicolas HOURCADE
  • Jacqueline VACHERAND REVEL
  • Laure FLANDRIN
  • Marie GOYON




Social sciences, sociology, anthropology, ethnology, psychology, individuals, society, socialisation, norms, deviance, social groups, equality, social inequalities, gender