
The objectives of this training action are multiple. It is firstly a question of maintaining and developing one's physical abilities through individual or collective activities, competitive or not; to develop self-confidence and psychological development. The teaching of sport and physical education is part of the development of professional and disciplinary skills, such as teamwork, autonomy, responsibility, knowledge of oneself and others, surpassing, commitment and perseverance. Through original situations, this teaching calls upon all the student's resources : motor coordination, cognitive, relational, emotional, informational ... Through action, the student is confronted with the resolution of complex problems and decision-making. This practice leads the student to independently take charge of his health as well-being to be constantly regulated. It helps to fight against risky behavior and sedentary lifestyle and to promote social integration. Pleasure is always a source of motivation, guaranteeing a lasting commitment to practice and learning.


There are 20 activities the student can choose from. The student can embark on a course with a weekly lesson of 2 hours or in a competition group of up to 2 training sessions per week + university competitions. In addition to weekly lessons, many optional associative activities are offered during which the student can develop a variety of skills.



  • Simon CHALTON


French / English