
An assignment abroad is an integral part of the course. It is compulsory in order to obtain the diploma. It has several complementary objectives:

  • to integrate the international dimension into the student's vision of the context and challenges of the industrial world, now and in the future,
  • integrating into a different professional and cultural environment, and developing adaptability in terms of employment and working environment.


Between the 2nd and 3rd years, or during the last semester of their training, student engineers must carry out an assignment in a company abroad for a minimum of 3 months. They will have to carry out a study, the subject of which is proposed by the host company abroad. The assignment gives rise to a report and an oral presentation in a foreign language. It is possible to combine the assignment abroad with the TFE if certain conditions are met (subjects, duration, etc.).

Sustainable development

Level 2: A substantial part of the activities is dedicated to environmentally sustainable development and social responsibility.

DD&RS level 2

A substantial part of the activities is dedicated to environmentally sustainable development and social responsibility.

Programme elements related to sustainable development goals

Very dependent on the apprentice's commitment and choice of assignment abroad. Most assignments focus on energy issues and GHG reduction. Some are humanitarian missions.


  • Damien CONSTANT




International, cultural, Foreign languages