
Know the basic notions and concepts of linear automation // Develop the ability to set up and lead the resolution of a regulation problem by defining the inputs and outputs of the process concerned and by following a rigorous approach // Mastery of the concepts and tools used to identify the dynamic behavior of an industrial process // Master the knowledge of continuous-time system control techniques and their applications // Knowledge of the usual methods of regulation // Ability to choose a solution adapted to the processes to be controlled according to the specifications imposed by the manufacturer.


1 - General information and examples, concept of regulation and closed loop, specifications, pose a regulation problem. 2 - Study of signals, modeling, Laplace transform, transfer function, block diagram. 3 - Temporal analysis (Fdt of order 1 with or without delay), poles and zeros, graphic modelling. 4 - Conventional control laws (PI, PD, PID, etc.), empirical methods for synthesizing correctors (empirical, by pole compensation). 5 - Synthesis of correctors by frequency approach, frequency analysis. Practical work: TP1 - DC machine speed regulation / TP2 - Level regulation





Linear automation, regulation, process, industry, control