Understanding energy distribution networks Reading and interpreting a single-line electrical diagram Sizing a partial electrical installation/HTA-LV substation Approach to improving the power factor of an installation Specificity of HTA equipment (cells) and HTA network topologies Case studies: Electrical installations in tertiary and industrial buildings. Practical work/assignments on sizing software (Ecodial or Caneco) or power balance calculations using Excel.
Prerequisites: Electricity and Electrotechnics modules. Function and characteristics of low-voltage electrical equipment: isolator, circuit breaker, fuse, contactor. Architecture of a low-voltage electrical installation (tertiary/industrial). Power balance of an installation, sizing of the HTA/LV substation. Reactive power compensation. Protection and sizing of electrical conduits (UTEC15-105 guide). Determination of short-circuit currents, setting of circuit breakers, and concept of selectivity. Production, transmission, and distribution of electricity in France. Principles of the public HTA distribution network. Sizing of HTA cells associated with a delivery substation.