
The objective of the course is the implementation of irreversible thermodynamics processes (ITP). After reviewing concepts in continuum mechanics and classical equilibrium thermodynamics, notions of systems and out-of-equilibrium processes are introduced, along with the assumption of local equilibrium. Thermodynamic principles are revisited in the context of small and large deformations, as well as small and large displacements. Specific behavioral models are presented as examples. The term entropy production is discussed within the framework of continuum mechanics. Phenomenological equations and the expression of thermodynamic fluxes as linear functions of thermodynamic forces are derived. Curie's principle and Onsager's reciprocity relations are introduced. Diffusion phenomena such as heat and species diffusion are used as course illustrations. Couplings such as thermo-diffusion are also addressed.



  • Romain RIEGER
  • Alexis GIAUQUE

