NON-FRENCH-SPEAKING INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS The overall aim is to enable students to be self-sufficient in everyday situations and to make the most of their study stay in France. French is taught on 2 levels, with linguistic and socio-cultural objectives. FRENCH AND FRANCOPHONE STUDENTS Mastering several foreign languages is a real challenge if we are to give future engineers the tools they need to foster their personal fulfillment and social and professional integration, to develop their potential and work as part of an international team.
NON-FRENCH-SPEAKING INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS M1 and M2 : beginner level + intermediate level, 2 or 4 hours a week. The courses offer the tools to understand and speak about everyday and social issues, in interaction with French people, in a university and professional setting. FRENCH AND FRENCH-SPEAKING STUDENTS M1: 5 possible languages to study (German, Arabic, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese), 2 or 3 hours a week depending on level. M2: language studied in M1 or non-beginner language (except English).