The objective of this course is to present the different types of free surface flows (bubbles, drops, steady and unsteady flows in a channel), the physical processes that determine the flow and the ways in which the flow can be modelled, both analytically and numerically. Many of the topics introduced in this course are explored further, and in more detail, in courses in the 3rd year.
Introduction to free surface flows: the situations in which they occur, general features of free surface flows, the physical processes that are involved, and the associated characteristic length and time scales Bubbles and drops: surface tension effects and associated boundary conditions, relevant dimensionless numbers and associated flow regimes, bubble and drop dynamics, interfacial effects Open channel flows: relevant dimensionless numbers and associated flow regimes, rapidly-varying and slowly varying steady flows, unsteady flows – surge waves, flood waves, solitons and periodic gravity waves Modelling free surface flows The lectures will be accompanied by laboratory classes, examples classes and some applications of existing numerical models.
Activity contextualised through environmentally sustainable development and social responsibility and/or supported by examples, exercises, applications.
Water plays a fundamental role in sustainable development, from the management of surface water resources to water treatment. These subjects all involve the dynamics of the interface between water and air.