
A.- Elementary mechanisms of deformation, fracture, and mechanical damage of polymers I.- Molecular mechanisms of deformation and fracture of polymers II.- Crazing and shear bands III.- Fracture: 1/ Fracture mechanics of polymers - 2/ Fracture in dynamic mode (fatigue) IV.- Mechanical reinforcement and impact toughness of polymers designed from deformation and fracture mechanisms. B.- Fiber-based composite materials : Combination of polymer matrices, fibers, and interfaces /phases I.- Reinforcement fibers : Different types, physical behaviors, and fracture mechanisms II.- Interface/phase as a key component for the mechanical behavior and damage mechanisms of composite materials: Origin, highlighting, characterization (micromechanics of the interfaces -microcomposites and multi-fiber composites) III. Elastic behavior of ply and laminate (introduction) IV.- Damage and durability (aging) of composite materials : Thermal and hygroscopic effects C.- Conclusions / Important things to remember



  • Frédéric DUBREUIL


French / English